Honda Deauville Motorcycle appreciation
The Honda Deauville
A mid range tourer/ commuter/ delivery bike with great weather protection, comfortable ride, hard lockable panniers, 60+mpg economy, low insurance and exceptionally reliability. 650cc carburettor or 680cc injection.
The Honda Deauville, a mid range touring motorcyle in 650 normal aspiration or 680cc fuel injection is popular as a commuting, touring and dispatch riding bike. You see Deauvilles in ambulance, blood delivery and policy livery all across Europe.
Deauville Web App
Deauville 650 or 700?: How to chose
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Honda Tourers - No DV!
Deauville Specification
650 fuel pump
NT700V Clock
Deauville Videos
DV Accessories
JAFRUM biking blog
DV images
DV, Pan and Goldwing Brochure
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